Alias Emma / The Chase makes the Ian Fleming Steel Dagger shortlist
Last month I was delighted to say that Alias Emma / The Chase had been selected for the longlist for the Ian Fleming Steel Dagger awards. Well, now I’m even happier to tell you that it’s made the shortlist!
I was so happy to be at Crime Fest where the announcement was made, and honestly, I couldn’t quite believe it when I heard my name. I had to double check with the person next to me (I would be a terrible spy). To be listed amongst some of my all-time favourite crime novelists and literary heroes is such an honour… I am completely amazed. And delighted. And shocked. And did I mention delighted?!
The awards ceremony takes place on 6 July and I’ll be there with bells on (not literal bells, that would be a bit odd). Obviously I would LOVE to win, but mostly I’ll just be happy to be there celebrating my fellow crime novelists and the incredible twists, turns and thrills they’ve given the world through their stories.
Anyway, check back after then to find out how Alias Emma / The Chase gets on. And cross your fingers for me…!