Alias Emma UK cover reveal
Another day, another amazing cover for Alias Emma! This time it’s the UK cover and I absolutely love it. It features another kickass representation of Emma Makepeace, the titular MI6 operative, but unlike the US cover which features a stylised network of tunnels, the UK cover has a detailed map of London. I love the inclusion of the River Thames as a dramatic slash of red, dividing London between north and south like an uncrossable boundary that Emma has to face.
Rivers play an important part in Emma’s journey - as she makes her way through subterranean London, she uses the waterways to help her make her way undetected. I had a fabulous time researching the many hidden rivers in London - there are dozens of them, some of which are in use as part of the sewage system, and some of which have dried up completely. The River Fleet - which plays a big part in Emma’s story - is probably my favourite, not least because its headwaters are what formed the Hampstead and Highgate Ponds where you can occasionally find me enjoying a dip…
As I’m in a celebratory mood, here’s a River Fleet secret just for you, dear blog readers - the next time you’re in London, make your way to Clerkenwell and find Ray Street, just off Farringdon Road. There you’ll find a pub called The Coach. In front of the pub there’s a grating, and if you listen carefully you’ll hear a rush of water. That’s not a drain but is in fact the River Fleet, running - as it has been for thousands of years - from Hampstead to the Thames itself.
If you do visit, be sure to send me a photo of yourself standing by the grate - there might well be a little treat in store for those who do…! You can find me on Twitter or Instagram.